
Return Policy


100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Returns or Exchanges

If reported within 30 days, you may receive a full refund – you pay for the shipping. Credit will not be granted for merchandise unsuitable for resale. Merchandise must be in original packaging and is subject to inspection. Merchandise that has been marked, affixed with stickers, or with crushed packaging will not be accepted. Special orders, sterile items, and products that are made unsalable once opened are not returnable.
Orders under 30 days are eligible for a full refund if suitable for resale and are subject to inspection. Orders between 31 – 60 days will be subject to a 20 percent restocking fee. For all orders over 60 days – no refunds will be accepted.

Returns or Exchanges by Mail

You must obtain a Return Authorization Number (RA#) for returned merchandise. Contact us to obtain this RA# by email, telephone, or postal mail. Please do not ship any returns prior to obtaining an RA#. You will not receive credit on items sent without a prior approved RA#. Thank you.


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